How to Clean a Mattress

Mattresses, like so many other things in our lives, rarely get the attention they deserve. They deserve all the care in the world, though, not simply because they are expensive but because they are integral to a quality sleep every night. Cleaning a mattress is a bit of a process, however, and so we thought it would be good to take you through the steps of rejuvenating your mattress. Remember that this should be done regularly and, if you flip your mattress with any regularity (which you should), you will want to clean both sides as required. Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning a mattress.

Step 1: Grab Your Vacuum

The first thing you need to do when cleaning a mattress, after stripping the sheets, is to grab your vacuum and give it a thorough going over. Use the upholstery attachment to clean the entire thing. You’ll be amazed at the dust and other little bits that will get sucked up when you give your mattress a thorough vacuuming.

If you are particularly dedicated to cleaning mattresses, you can buy dedicated mattress vacuums, which are specially designed to give them a thorough cleaning. While they can be expensive, they are perfect for large families where they will get a lot of use. You can also rent a steam cleaner to give all your mattresses a thorough cleaning at the same time you steam clean your carpets.

Step 2: Spot Cleaning

Once you have vacuumed up all the dust, you may find some stains that need individual treatment. For this, you can follow similar steps for getting stains your of your carpets. Start with a teaspoon of minor dish detergent and a cup of warm water. Blot until the stain is gone, then blot again with just warm water. You can also use an upholstery cleaner or enzyme-based pet-odour remover for any stains or smells relating to bodily or pet fluids.

Step 3: Deodorize

Your mattress soaks up smells just like everything else in your home. The best way to get rid of those smells also happens to be the most economical: baking soda. Grab an entire package and don’t be afraid to cover the entire surface with a pound of baking soda, especially if it has been a long time since you cleaned your mattress.When you get to this stage, it’s a good idea to close all the windows and doors in the room, just so you don’t end up covering the entire bedroom in baking soda.

Step 4: The Second Vacuuming

Once you’ve left the baking soda on the mattress for a spell, vacuum it up with the upholstery attachment and put on a set of fresh sheets. Then you’ll have a mattress that looks and smells like new.Cleaning your mattress is something you should do regularly, just like cleaning your carpets. You can even do them at the same time and, if you want to add an extra layer of protection, consider a mattress cover.


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