5 Important Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe in Summer

Almost everybody that lives in Alberta loves a hot and sunny day.Patios, parks and backyards are filled with people when the sunshine comes out.Pets are no different.Dogs can be seen sprawled out in the sunshine at any chance they get.Pets can overheat much sooner than people if they are not given the proper opportunity to cool off.If you are careful that your pets have proper access to ways to keep themselves cool, you will find that they are quite capable of adapting to the day and enjoying themselves as much as the humans around them.

1. Slurp, Slurp

Make sure your pets always have access to fresh, clean water.Without it, they can quickly suffer severe dehydration.The hotter the day, the more water they will need.It is not uncommon to place multiple bowls of water outside if you are not able to refill one regularly.If you are traveling away from home, bring adequate water and a suitable container for them to drink from.Do not assume that they will have access to water on the road or at the destination.

2. Lots of Access to Shade

Shade is imperative.When your pet begins to feel uncomfortable, they will instinctively seek shade.They will rotate between the sun and shade as needed to regulate their temperature.Be mindful of the type of pet you have and their individual requirements.Dogs with multiple layers of hair can become overheated quickly on a day that humans would not consider hot.If you do not have natural shade in your backyard, give your pet access to an air conditioned house or erect a structure that gives enough shade for them to rest in.Sometimes even moving your pet to a higher area that has a breeze or some sort of air flow will give them the relief they are looking for.If you have an indoor pet like a fish or hamster, keep the cage or aquarium out of direct sunlight.

3. Surf’s Up

Cheap plastic kiddie play pools are a great way for dogs and other larger pets to cool down.If going to the lake is not an option, bring the lake to them.Not only is it a great way to relax, it is also a lot of fun for both owners and pets.Purchase the cheaper pools as more energetic dogs might damage them before the summer is over.

4. Stay off of Hot Decks and Patios

On a hot day, a deck or patio floor will heat up very fast.It can cause burns to sensitive feet and paw pads.It is important to keep a very close eye on your pets during a heat wave.If they seem distressed or dehydrated but refuse to come up on the patio or porch to drink, it may be because they are not able too.Also watch when they are on the porch to see if they are constantly lifting their paws.If you feed t them on the porch, move their food and water to a cooler location.

5. Auto’s a No-Go

Never leave your pet in a vehicle. Even with the air conditioning running, it only takes moments for a vehicle to become a deadly furnace.A quick trip inside a store can result in agony for your pet if you leave it in the car on a hot day.By making sure your pet has their necessities looked after, everybody can enjoy a fantastic hot day in the sun.

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